RSS is one of technology that are simple and powerful. RSS is the de facto standard for blog syndication. It is used widely for personal and corporate usage in blogs. Large percentage of blogs runs on WordPress. We will cover in this post some useful RSS-related plugins and tricks that will help you use RSS in effective way.
Web standards, Semantic XHTML, Cascading Style Sheets... to some this all may sound like the new hype in Internet technology, but it’s not. This is the culminated technology that will give structure, accessibility and worldwide availability to our websites. Let us first go back a little bit in history to get a better understanding of things.
C# and Java are syntactically almost same. In general, Java has many implementations such as EJB, private static class implementations, etc. But in C#, we can get elegant and friendly native constructs such as properties and events. Instead of casting, C# has real generics and we can perform reflection on them.
JBoss is an Open Source, standards-compliant, J2EE-based application server implemented in 100% Pure Java. The JBoss community of over 1000 developers worldwide is working to deliver the full range of J2EE tools as the premier enterprise Java application server for the Java 2 Enterprise Edition platform.
CodeMirror, a very impressive in-browser code editor for Javascript, XML/HTML or CSS (or any language, you just have to plug in a your own parser) made some nice progress in the last months. CodeMirror has no dependency on other frameworks or libraries.